Key historical dates 1850 - 1940
Selected dates.
Date | Event |
1 July 1839 | Accession of Sultan Abdül Mejid 1st |
23 October 1853 | The Sultan declares war to Russia, beginning of Crimean war. |
10 September 1855 | Fall of Sebastopol, end of Crimean War |
30 March 1856 | Congress & Treaty of Paris: Serbia & Moldavia / Wallachia become self governing under Ottoman suzerainty |
25 June 1861 | Accession of Sultan Abdül Aziz |
4 February 1863 | Foundation of Imperial Ottoman Bank |
17 November 1869 | Opening of Suez Canal |
30 May 1876 | Accession of Murad V |
1 September 1876 | Accession of Sultan Abülhamit II |
19 April 1877 | Russia declares war to the Ottoman empire. |
3 March 1878 | Treaty of San Stefanos. Russia gains Kars. Roumania becomes independent. This is confirmed on 13 July by the treaty of Berlin |
13 July 1878 | End of Congress of Berlin: Serbia, Roumania, Bulgaria become independent. Bosnia Herzegovina occupied by Austria |
24 May 1881 | Thessaly ceded to Greece |
24 July 1908 | CUP forces Abülhamit II to introduce constitutional rules and in effect takes power (So called Young Türks revolution) |
27 April 1909 | Sultan Abülhamit II is deposed and replaced by Mehmet V |
4 November 1910 | Entrevue de Potsdam: Guillaume II and Nicolas II, the Germans can proceed with the Bagdad bahn, Russia special interest in Persia are recognized by Germany |
8 October 1912 | 1st Balkan war, Salonica falls to Greece |
19 June 1913 | 2nd Balkan war, new Bulgarian frontier |
2 November 1914 | Russia declares wars on Ottoman Empire (followed by France and Britain) |
January 1915 | Ottomans defeated by Russians at Sarikamis |
18 March 1915 | Beginning of Gallipoli battle |
9 January 1916 | Allies complete retreat from Gallipoli |
16 February 1916 | Russian forces takes Erzurum |
3 December 1917 | Brest-Litovsk treaty between Germany and Russian Bolsheviks. |
3 July 1918 | Sultan Mehmet V dies and is replaced by Vahdettin (Sultan Mehmet VI) |
30 October 1918 | Mudros Armistice between Ottomans and the Allies |
15 May 1919 | Greek forces occupies Izmir |
22 June 1919 | Mustafa Kemal meets the Nationalist commanders and issues first resistance proclamation |
27 December 1919 | Mustafa Kemal arrives in Ankara |
16 March 1920 | British troops compete occupation of Istanbul |
22 June 1920 | Greek troops cross Milne line and occupies western Anatolia. |
10 August 1920 | Treaty of Sèvres |
30 October 1920 | Kars captured from the Armenians, Victory confirmed by the treaty of Gümrü, 2 December 1920 |
10 July 1921 | Kütahya and Eskisehir captured by Greek forces |
13 October 1921 | Treaty of Kars |
20 October 1921 | French Turkish Angora accord (Franklin-Bouillon accord), French forces withdraw from Cilicia. |
26 August 1922 | Turkish troops launch decisive offensive against the Greeks. |
9 September 1922 | Turkish troops occupies Izmir |
23 September 1922 | Turkish troops enter the straights neutral zone |
17 November 1922 | Sultan Vahdettin flees from Istanbul |
24 July 1923 | Treaty of Lausanne |
2 October 1923 | Allies evacuates from Istanbul |
29 October 1923 | Turkish Republic proclaimed |
1 November 1928 | Latin alphabet and numerals is adopted by law |
27 May 1935 | International week-end adopted |
20 July 1936 | Montreux convention |
10 November 1938 | Mustafa Kemal Ataturk dies at 9h05 |
29 June 1939 | Hatay (formerly Sancak of Alexandretta) becomes part of Turkey. |